To know the number of accesses to the database by your site on WordPress, you need to file the theme footer. php before the tag add the following code. <!–?php echo get_num_queries(); ?–> queries in <!–?php timer_stop(1); ?–> You will…
Tag: mariadb
Install Nginx, PHP, MySQL (Mariadb) on Ubuntu
-Would you be kind to me in which direction to go? -In the famous you, – replied the cat. -I don’t know it. -So, in the unknown. In any case, it is known that in a known time you will…
Briefly about MySQL/mariadb backups in Ubuntu
If you were waiting for the right moment… It was him. Make a backup of the MySQL database, MariaDB: mysqldump -u username -p database_to_backup > backup_name.sql Restore from the dump MySQL, MariaDB: mysql -u username -p database_name < backup_name.sql